Leopard Gecko Calcium

Leopard Gecko Calcium – Why Calcium Is Important!

When you consider a leopard gecko calcium supplement, keep in mind that calcium is the most important mineral and should be available at all times.

Leopard Geckos by instinct will eat it directly to get more calcium, they will lick up extra as they need it. Occasionally you still need to dust feeder insects.  Having a calcium dish is not an alternative, you need to provide both options.

The reason calcium is important is prevent nutritional disorders.  A popular method is the “shake and bake” method where the feeder insects are put into a plastic bag, some calcium powder is added in, gently shaken until the insects are coated with the fine powder

Too much D3 can be as bad as not enough D3. Leopards are nocturnal and do not use UVB, they only need D3 supplemented a couple times a month is all.  Just do this when dusting their feeders. Vitamin D is needed to help absorb calcium, however too much vitamin D can hinder it.  Most of their vitamin D3 will come from the crickets.

Adults and babies will use a shallow dish or a plastic lid in the cage with an added teaspoon of calcium powder.  A gecko will instinctively lick the calcium powder from these as needed. Make sure to dust feeder insects every other feeding with a vitamin supplement for young geckos.  Adults use vitamin supplement once a week.  Use D3 in the dusting process twice per month. Calcium and vitamin supplements are very essential for the health and longevity of captive reptiles.  You can find many different products on the market.

Rep Cal calcium and herptivite a highly recommended calcium and vitamin supplement brand is best.

Another leopard gecko calcium brand choice is the Bone Aid product made by T-Rex which is a pure calcium carbonate product.

 Calci-sand is NOT digestible like the manufacturer would have you believe and is very expensive.  Lastly, the colored calcium sand just might turn your gecko’s different colors.  It is best to just avoid all calcium- based sands for the health of your gecko.

For good sand try the tan colored play sand from places like home depot. The cost runs around $3 for 50 lbs.  These kinds of sand do a great job.