Leopard Gecko Supplements

Leopard Gecko Supplements-Geckos Need Vitamins

Make sure that you provide your leopard gecko supplement to aid healthy growth and living.  As with people and most domesticated animals that do not get a complete variety from a natural diet, supplementation is necessary.  Doing the basic when caring for your pet gecko will ensure that it has a long, healthy and disease free life.  This is possible when done properly and on a regular basis.  Make sure that you understand clearly the complete care that it involved with owning a gecko.

For leopard gecko supplements, calcium is the most important mineral and should be available at all times.  The best way to do this is make sure those feeder insects are dusted a few time per week and that a small dish of calcium is in the environment at times. Geckos also require phosphorus/vitamin D3 and a good reptile multivitamin once per week.

For young geckos the best practice is to feed them once a day, coat the feeder insects with calcium supplement at each feeding.  This also applies to babies and breeding females.  To coat or dust the insects put them in a clear plastic bag and gently shake it until the little bugs are all dusty white.

With general vitamin supplementation make sure to alternate the days and should be used sparingly and not on the same day as the calcium.

You can find good vitamins and supplements at your favorite online pet store or at your local pet store.

Getting and setting up your gecko is an investment and making sure that your gecko is healthy is basic to its care.  Make sure that you check with your local pet store to get advice about your specific gecko.